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How to Export Hibiscus Flowers from Nigeria

1. Harvest and Dry Hibiscus Flowers: Ensure you harvest and dry hibiscus

flowers properly to retain quality. Drying is crucial to prevent spoilage during


2. Compliance with Export Regulations: Ensure your hibiscus flowers meet

the health and safety standards set by international authorities, including

obtaining the required export permits and certifications.

3. Packaging: Pack the dried flowers properly to avoid damage or

contamination. Typically, hibiscus flowers are packaged in air-tight, moisture-

proof bags to maintain freshness.

4. Documentation and Shipping: Obtain all necessary export documents,

including a Certificate of Origin and phytosanitary certificate. Work with a

reliable shipping company to export the product.

5. Find Export Markets: The largest importers of hibiscus flowers are the U.S.,

Mexico, and European countries. Research these markets and establish

relationships with buyers or wholesalers.